Staying in touch with the Big Give

Keeping you and your team up-to-date with the Big Give’s news and services is important to us. We send out key communications to charities about our match funding campaigns and other Big Give initiatives. This is how we will notify you about how and when to apply, so we don’t want you to miss out.

Add us to your address book

Please ensure that you have added us ( to your address book, otherwise our emails may get filtered into your junk folder. 

Update your contact details

If you are no longer responsible for managing your Big Give account or if you are moving on from your current role, please remember to update the contact details in your Big Give charity account area.

To do this, log in to your account area and click ‘Update charity profile’, located under the ‘Charity details’ menu as shown in the screenshot below.

charity account area

You will then be able to enter the details for the new Big Give contact, which will reset the log in to their email address and password and ensure they receive our important communications.

Going to be out of the office?

If you are going to be out of the office, we recommend setting up email forwarding. This allows you to direct incoming messages from one email address to another, so that one of your colleagues will also be able to pick up our correspondence. This is a good idea if you are going to be away for a long period of time i.e. over one month, as you can be confident your team won’t miss any important information and it saves you from editing your Big Give contact details on a regular basis.  

Forgotten your log in details?

If you have forgotten your log in details or are new to your role and don’t know how to access your Big Give account, please contact us at and we’ll be happy to help out.