“Charity”: Any charitable organisation which is registered on Big Give platform.

“Donor”: A supporter who makes a donation to Charities’ campaigns on Big Give’s platform.

“Payments Processor”: Partners of Big Give responsible for processing donations. Big Give currently partners with Stripe. 

“Big Give”: The Big Give Trust, Dragon Court, 27-29 Macklin Street, London, WC2B 5LX, registered Charity no: 1136547, who run BigGive.org. Also referred to as “we” / “us” / “our” in these Terms and Conditions.

“Website”: All web pages related to www.BigGive.org . Your use of this Website is subject to the following Terms and Conditions, which you are deemed to accept each time you use the Website.

Whilst we try to ensure that the standard of this Website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the internet is not an inherently stable medium. Errors, omissions, interruptions of Service and delays may occur at any time. We do not accept any liability arising from any such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays. Neither do we accept any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this Website (or any particular part of it) or to provide the Service offered on this Website. We may vary the specification of this site from time to time without notice.

On this site you will be offered automatic links to other sites which we hope will be of interest to you. We do not accept any responsibility for or liability in respect of the content of those sites, the owners of which do not necessarily have any connection, commercial or otherwise, with us. Using automatic links to gain access to such sites is entirely at your own risk.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and complete, some of the information is supplied to us by third parties and we are not able to check the accuracy or completeness of that information. We do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in any of the information on this site or any liability in respect of information on this site supplied by you, any other site user or any other person.

You may only use this site for lawful purposes when seeking Charity information, help with your philanthropy or when promoting your charitable campaigns. You must not under any circumstances seek to undermine the security of the site or any information submitted to or available through it. In particular, but without limitation, you must not seek to access, alter or delete any information to which you do not have authorised access, seek to overload the system via spamming or flooding, take any action or use any device, routine or software to crash, delay, damage or otherwise interfere with the operation of this site or attempt to decipher, disassemble or modify any of the software, coding or information comprised in the site.

You are solely responsible for any information submitted by you to this site. You are responsible for ensuring that all information supplied by you is true, accurate, up-to-date and not misleading or likely to mislead or deceive and that it is not discriminatory, obscene, offensive, defamatory or otherwise illegal, unlawful or in breach of any applicable legislation, regulations, guidelines or codes of practice or the copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any person in any jurisdiction. You are also responsible for ensuring that all information, data and files are free of viruses or other routines or engines that may damage or interfere with any system or data prior to being submitted to this site. We reserve the right to remove any information supplied by you from the Website at our sole discretion, at any time and for any reason without being required to give any explanation.

We will use information supplied by you to achieve the goals of the Website and associated administrative functions. This involves us, amongst other things, processing and storing information and passing or making available online such information to prospective Donors; information about campaigns and charities will be passed to Donors and may be posted directly onto the Website. We may collect and aggregate data from the information supplied by you to help us to understand our users as a group so that we can provide you with a better Service. We may also share information with selected third parties where it is deemed beneficial to the registered charities.

We will process any data which you provide in completing the online registration or application forms and any further forms, assessments or personal details which you complete or provide to us when using this site in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”), as it forms part in the United Kingdom of retained EU law (as defined in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018), and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (“Data Protection Laws”). We explain more about your personal data and our lawful bases for processing it in our Privacy Statement.

The rights in material on this site are protected by international copyright, software and trademark laws and you agree to use this site in a way which does not infringe these rights. You may copy material on this site for your own private or domestic purposes, but no copying for any commercial or business use is permitted.

You may need to register and sign in to use certain parts of this Website which will require use of a username and password. You are solely responsible for the security and proper use of your password, which should be kept confidential at all times and not disclosed to any other person. You must notify us immediately if you believe that your password is known to someone else or if it may be used in an unauthorised way. We accept no liability for any unauthorised or improper use or disclosure of any password.

We may terminate your registration and/or deny you access to the site or any part of it (including any Services, goods or information available on or through the site) at any time in our absolute discretion and without any explanation or notification.

We accept no liability for any loss (whether direct or indirect, for loss of business, revenue or profits, wasted expenditure, corruption or destruction of data or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatsoever) arising from your use of the site and we hereby exclude any such liability, whether in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise. We hereby exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to this Website and your use of it to the maximum extent permitted by law.

You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified against all costs, expenses, claims, losses, liabilities or proceedings arising from use or misuse by you of this site.

You must notify us immediately if anyone makes or threatens to make any claim against you relating to your use of this site.

The use of this Website and any agreements entered into through this Website are to be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. The courts of England are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with the use of this Website or any agreement made through this Website.

Some of the goods or Services offered through this Website may not be lawful or may otherwise not be permitted in certain countries outside the United Kingdom. If you attempt to order, receive, purchase or otherwise benefit from any such goods or Services, we do not accept any liability for any losses suffered by you in using this Website which you would not have suffered had you been accessing this Website as a United Kingdom resident (including as a result of us being prevented from dealing with any application or enquiry by any law, regulation or other ruling applicable in any country).

These Website Terms and Conditions may be changed by us at any time. You will be deemed to accept the Terms and Conditions (as amended) when you next use this site following any amendment.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Charities must register to use Big Give Service.

By submitting information, images and documentation related to the Charity and or a specific campaign, the Charity is authorising Big Give to display and make available such campaign information, images and documentation via the Website.

The Charity is responsible for:

  • the content, information, images and or documentation provided to Big Give (or any failure to provide the same)
  • ensuring that it meets Stripe’s KYC obligations

and indemnifies and will keep indemnified Big Give against any claim, loss, liability, expense and/or damage (“Losses”) in connection therewith.

Big Give does not guarantee that the Charity will receive any responses to its displayed campaigns.

Donors will contact the Charity directly. The Charity is responsible for the ongoing relationship with the Donor and Big Give accepts no responsibility for the relationship.

All and any subsequent dealings between the Charity and any Donor and in connection with the Donor’s response to the campaign are the responsibility of the Charity and Big Give accepts no liability whatsoever therewith. The Charity will indemnify Big Give against any Losses in connection therewith.

By submitting information, images and documentation, the Charity agrees to Big Give using this information for promotional purposes.

It is the Charity’s responsibility to provide sufficient and correct details about itself and the campaign to Big Give and its Donors (including without limitation the Charity’s identity, the nature of its business, the nature of the campaign, the geographical location and charitable sector of the campaign, the type of beneficiaries, and the approximate donation required) in accordance with any deadlines provided by Big Give. See our Privacy Statement for more details about what Charity details we collect and why. The Charity is responsible for keeping all details about itself and the campaign up to date and must notify Big Give if any of their details change.

It is the Charity’s responsibility to protect their computers against any viruses.

The Charity will comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Laws in relation to all Donors’ details and indemnify Big Give against any Losses in connection therewith.

The Charity will comply with all anti-discrimination legislation including but not limited to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006. The Charity will indemnify Big Give against any Losses in connection therewith.

The Charity must not post any campaign that directly or indirectly promotes discrimination against, including but not limited to, age, gender, sexuality, race or disability. The Charity will indemnify Big Give against any Losses in connection therewith.

The Charity accepts responsibility for any detriment which it may suffer or incur in respect of the engagement of a Donor and shall hold Big Give harmless against any Losses in connection therewith. The Charity shall use all reasonable endeavours to ascertain that it will not be detrimental to the interests of the Donor it intends to engage (if any) with the Charity in the campaign posted.

Big Give reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to remove any campaign at any time without reason. Examples of campaigns that may be removed include, but are not limited to:

  • those that Big Give considers illegal, inappropriate or fraudulent
  • those that advertise franchise, pyramid, network marketing or get-rich-quick schemes
  • those that have been indiscriminately posted
  • those that advertise Websites, Services, businesses, business opportunities and/or contact details not specifically related to the Charity
  • those that have had their position in the search results deliberately manipulated

Big Give reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to close any Charity account at any time without reason. Examples of accounts that may be closed include, but are not limited to:

  • those that have not provided full or accurate contact or Charity information
  • those that Big Give considers to be acting inappropriately or illegally
  • those that use Big Give to advertise Websites, Services, businesses and/or business opportunities in any part of the campaign or on any part of the site.
  • those that were removed from Charity Commission register

By accessing or using any part, Service or feature of this site, the Charity agrees to use it in ‘good faith’ i.e. to post authentic, impartial and unique campaigns of reasonable quality, which provide both adequate and accurate campaign details. The Charity also agrees that any abuse of the Service, Website or these Terms and Conditions can result in the Charity’s access to this Service being removed, and accounts terminated.

The Charity undertakes not to solicit, or endeavour to solicit, for employment or engagement with itself or any associated company or organisation, any employee of Big Give. Breach of this clause shall be a material breach and will entitle Big Give, without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, to terminate the Charity’s account immediately.

From time to time Big Give will contact Charities in order to evaluate the Service they receive and also to promote Big Give’s Services and products. For more information on how we use Charity Data, read our Privacy Statement.

Big Give reserves the right to charge for its Service as it sees fit and in its sole and absolute discretion, provided that such charge (if any) shall not be retrospective. Big Give reserves the right to change any aspect of the Service and/or these Terms and Conditions, at any time without notice.

In a case the Charity can no longer use donations, which were raised via Big Give platform, for the purpose they were raised for, it is the Charity’s responsibility to ensure they comply with Charity Commission regulations relating to the refunding or repurposing of donations.

Big Give is an approved HMRC Gift Aid agent. If the Charity is a registered Charity or Gift Aid eligible organisation and based in the United Kingdom, it must be registered for Gift Aid with HMRC to benefit from the Services detailed below and must: 

  • Authorise Big Give to collect Gift Aid via the Charity account or directly with HMRC;
  • Ensure to get an authorised individual(s) to authorise Big Give as an agent; and
  • provide a valid HMRC registration number allocated to the Charity.

 Big Give will:

  • Where authorisation is given via Charity account along with HMRC registration, apply to HMRC to register the Charity for the purpose of claiming Gift Aid
  • where appropriate, offer all Donors the option of making donations in a way that makes them eligible to reclaim Gift Aid (subject to a Donor’s declaration of eligibility). Each Donor is responsible at all times for providing accurate data to verify their respective entitlement to claim Gift Aid. e Big Give is not responsible for inaccurate or out of date information provided by a Donor that may cause Gift Aid claims to be rejected; and
  • on behalf of the Charity, apply to HMRC to reclaim Gift Aid in compliance with HMRC recommended practice.  Gift aid claims are automatically sent to HMRC subject to all of the following conditions being met: i) a Charity’s Stripe account meets Stripe’s KYC obligations; ii) Big Give has received confirmation of acceptance as a Gift Aid agent from HMRC for the Charity; iii) the Charity’s bank details are correct in their Big Give account. Gift Aid claims are sent to HMRC on the Monday after a donation payout has been initiated by Stripe to the Charity’s nominated bank account. This happens only once donations are paid to the Charity and no less than 2 weeks after the donations were made. If any Gift Aid claim or sums claimed, on behalf of the Charity are subsequently challenged or not settled by HMRC, the Charity will be responsible for resolving the matter with HMRC and, where applicable, repaying any disputed sum directly to HMRC.
  • Stop processing Gift Aid for the Charity when notified by the Charity through contact with support. Please note that once a Charity has authorised Big Give to claim Gift Aid for them, Big Give cannot remove any eligible donations from the claims process. Big Give will automatically submit these donations for Gift Aid claims. Charities can contact Big Give at any time to remove Gift Aid authorisation for future claims.

Big Give will use best endeavours to collect, protect and secure the personal details of Donors in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws. Where a Donor has chosen to allow us to pass their personal data onto the Charity , we will do so and the Charity (i) shall act as an independent data controller which is solely responsible for its own compliance with the applicable Data Protection Laws; and (ii) agrees to only use that personal data strictly for the purposes and in the manner consented to by the Donor and not disclose any personal details to any third party except with the consent of the Donor. Big Give will not be liable in any way whatsoever for any such disclosure of personal details by the Charity in breach of this clause or any other non-compliance with the Data Protection Laws by the Charity.

The Charity shall ensure that the campaign page is set up correctly to receive Gift Aid from Donors including, but not limited to, using appropriate language to request Gift Aid, only where the Donations are eligible for Gift Aid. The Charity shall be responsible for making any changes required by Big Give, or HM Revenue and Customs, in order to ensure the campaign page is compliant with this clause 2.21 and any applicable law, or guidance, regarding the collection of Gift Aid.

The Charity will notify Big Give of any refunds for donations for which Gift Aid has been requested made directly to the Donor outside of Big Give platform. 

Donors are entitled to cancel their declaration at any time. They may do so by notifying the Charity or Big Give in any convenient way. The Charity must inform Big Give of any such cancellations and provide a written record of the cancellation of a declaration, including the date of the Donor’s notification.

A cancellation will normally have effect only in relation to donations received by the Charity on or after:

  • the date on which the Donor notifies the Charity of the cancellation
  • or such later date as the Donor may specify in the cancellation

Any donations received before the date of the Donor’s notification will still qualify as Gift Aid donations.

If a Donor contacts us with a cancellation notification when we are not the processor of Gift Aid for a Charity, we will inform the Donor that they need to contact the Charity directly.

The Charity cannot remove Big Give’s authorisation to process Gift Aid for a campaign that has already begun. Any requests for removal will be processed on the day after a campaign has ended. Gift Aid for Donations received through any campaigns after this date will not be processed by Big Give.

3.1.1. Our Payments Processor collects all donations made via the Website and disburses them to your requested Charity. When donations are collected they incur a processing fee. Please see Our Fees page for details how the processing fee is calculated. This fee covers the collection, credit or debit card fees and administration of the donation. Unfortunately, we currently do not offer an option that allows Donors to cover the transaction fee.

3.1.2. Donors also have the option to make an additional voluntary contribution toward the running of Big Give platform. We are not-for-profit and voluntary contributions help us maintain the technology that keeps our Website running.

Find out more about the donation fee and additional voluntary contributions.

3.1.3. Charities will have access to donation data required to reclaim Gift Aid from HMRC (see section 3.3).

3.1.4. Big Give does not make money on the interest accumulated from holding donations.

3.1.5. Our Payments Processor has a strict safeguarding policy and strict “Know Your Customer” (KYC) obligations for payments in place to protect Donors’ money against fraud. We accept no liability for any delays or other consequences of our Payments Processor’s security checks. Donations are always held in a clients’ account prior to being distributed, which ensures that donations are completely ring-fenced and will always be protected. For more details, please see Stripe’s Security page.

We accept the following cards and payment methods:

visa   mastercard   maestro   solo    American Express   applepay   Google Pay


3.1.6. You can also donate via bank transfer. When donating via this method, your money will be held to your order by our Payments Processor for up to 90 days. At any point during this period, you can select your chosen Charity, at which point your donation will be completed by our Payments Processor. If you do not select a Charity within 60 days of your original bank transfer, your funds will be returned to your bank account by our Payments Processor.

Please contact us if you need a return of the funds from Stripe before the end of the 90 day period.

When a donation is made via the Website the transaction is final and not disputable unless unauthorised use of your payment card is proved. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider in accordance with its reporting rules.

3.3.1. By selecting that you wish to Gift Aid your donation, you are agreeing to the following:

  • I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for the current tax year. 
  • I understand the Charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given and that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
  • I confirm that the donation I am making, is not in return for tickets (raffles, events and auctions) or goods and services (including ‘experience’ days). This is because they are not ‘freewill’ gifts – you are getting something in return for your donation. If we discover that a donation has been incorrectly marked as eligible for Gift Aid, we can’t submit it.
  • I confirm that I am not making a donation on behalf of someone else or a group of people, for example, if a friend gives you £10 which you donate to your chosen charity using your own card and details. Even if your friend is a UK taxpayer, the donation is not eligible because HMRC needs to know the details of the person actually contributing the funds.
  • I confirm that I am not making a donation on behalf of  a company. You can only make Gift Aid declarations on your own taxpayer status when spending your own money. However, a company can claim tax relief on the donation when donating directly to the charity.

3.3.2 When you donate to a Charity on the Website and confirm that you are a UK taxpayer in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid Scheme as they apply from time to time, the Charity or Big Give reclaim Gift Aid on behalf of the Charity under the Gift Aid Scheme.

3.3.3 If the Charity authorised Big Give to reclaim their Gift Aid then Big Give will submit Gift Aid claims to HMRC for all donations from that point onwards, where you said ‘Yes’ to the Gift Aid statement in the donation journey. HMRC will distribute Gift Aid on qualifying donations to your requested Charity, including any interest owed. The Charity will not claim, or allow any other third party to claim, any Gift Aid benefit on these donations without first confirming with Big Give. You are responsible at all times for providing accurate data to verify your entitlement to claim Gift Aid. Big Give is not responsible for errors in the data provided by you that may cause Gift Aid claims to be rejected.

3.3.4. A Charity also has the option to reclaim Gift Aid from HMRC directly. Big Give will also reclaim Gift Aid on any additional gift you made to us.

3.3.5 We are not an accounting, taxation or financial advisor, and you should not rely on information given on the Website to determine the accounting, tax or financial consequences of making a donation to Charity. We strongly recommend that you consult your own adviser(s) about any accounting, taxation or financial consequences that may affect you.

3.3.6 You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the Charity will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year.

3.3.7. Please note that we can only collect Gift Aid declarations at the point of donation. Gift Aid declarations made for subsequent donations can be applied retrospectively for all applicable donations up to and until a cancellation notice is received from the Donor. For payments made with donation funds, the date of your donation is the date that you select your chosen Charity to support.

The Website allows you to donate to any of the charities and organisations listed on this Website. All charities with a “Donate” button are provided under a contract from our Payments Processor who are authorised to collect donations. Charities and Good Causes can have similar names: it is your responsibility to check that you are donating to the organisation you intended.

Refunds of donations are made in accordance with the UK Charities Act 2011 and the Fundraising Regulator Code of Fundraising Practice. Should a refund be processed which affects a match funding campaign, Big Give reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to reallocate the match funds secured. Please note that we do not charge fees for processing refunds.

3.5.1 Donations via credit or debit card

All requests for refunds of donations should be made by the Donor by raising a case on our Website. Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the donation being made in order to be accepted. It can take up to 10 working days for refund to appear back in your bank account. 

3.5.2 Donations via the Donation Funds feature (bank transfers)

Please contact Big Give by  raising a case on our Website if you want a refund for your donation made via the Donation Funds feature within 3 days of the donation being made. Donations made via this feature are subject to different rules and may be paid out to charities quicker than debit or credit cards. If a donation has already been paid out, refund requests will need to be made directly to the Charity.

Requests for refunds of ‘tip’ donations to The Big Give Trust must be made within 7 days of the donation being made in order to be accepted by raising a case on our Website.

Funds received during a Big Give online match funding campaign are restricted to a Charity’s selected campaign until its specified target is hit. If a Charity receives additional online donations after hitting its target, these funds may be unrestricted. Charity’s campaign page explains what happens to funds they raise if they don’t meet their campaign target, raise an amount in excess of their campaign target, or the purpose of their campaign becomes invalid for any reason. It is the Charity’s responsibility to provide this information on their campaign page.

  • A Pledge is type of match funding, secured by the Charity
  • A Pledge must only be fulfilled after the match funded Campaign has completed, provided that Online Donations have been made to the Charity through Big Give’s platform

Pledgers must not make Online Donations to the Charity that they have made a Pledge to

A Pledge is a promise of match funding made to a Charity. A Pledge is conditional on the Charity receiving the equivalent amount in online donations on Big Give’s platform during a campaign. 

Worked example: if you pledge £1,000 to a Charity, you are committing to donate up to that amount to the Charity. The amount is dependent on the sum total of donations received during the campaign in Online Donations. If they only receive £900 in Online Donations, you are committed to donating £900.

Charities running a Pledge Model Campaign on Big Give’s platform are required to secure Pledges.

A Charity which is applying to participate in a Big Give campaign (e.g. The Christmas Challenge, Champion for Children), may access additional match funding from a Big Give “Champion”. The maximum amount of Champion match funding a Charity may receive is equivalent to whatever they have raised in Pledges.

If a Charity has accepted Champion funds, Champion funds and Pledges will be combined to form a ring-fenced matching pot (“matching pot”) for the Charity. Online Donations to participating Charities received during Big Give campaigns will be matched initially by Pledge funds. Once a Charity has used all of its Pledges, Online Donations will be matched by Champion funds until Champion funds are exhausted or campaign has ended, whichever is sooner.

Pledge funding is restricted to the activities set out by the Charity on Big Give’s platform as part of their Match Funding Campaign.

Pledgers must not make an online donation to the Charity to which they have provided the Pledge to during the Match Funding Campaign, as this would mean they are matching their own donation.

A Pledge must not be fulfilled (i.e. paid to the Charity) until after the Match Funded Campaign has finished and before the Pledge Due Diligence deadline.

Pledges can be made by any individual or organisation who wishes to support the Charity with match funding.

The Pledge form must be completed by the individual (or, if being made by an organisation, an authorised representative of said organisation) making the Pledge. 

Charities should not complete the Pledge form on behalf of their Pledger.

Pledgers may not pledge funds from:

  • a Charity’s own accounts; 
  • funds from an individual or organisation where the Charity has transferred (or intends to transfer) funds to reimburse said individual or organisation; 
  • Funding which has already been received into the Charity’s bank account

4.4.1. How to make a Pledge

Pledges must be completed via the online Pledge form on Big Give’s platform. The Charity will be provided with a link to the Pledge form in their Charity account to share with Pledgers.

It is extremely important that the Pledge is not fulfilled (i.e. paid to the Charity) until after the campaign has finished (as the Pledge is a promise of funding dependent on whether the Charity raises a sufficient amount in online donations).

Pledges must be a minimum of £100. The maximum Pledges a Charity can receive is the Pledge target set by the Charity.

The deadline for making the Pledge will be displayed on the Pledge form.

A Charity must receive in excess of £1,000 in Pledges to be able to participate in the Match Funded Campaign. 

A Charity receiving more than £1,000 in Pledges is not a guarantee that they will be able to participate in the Match Funding Campaign.

The Pledger’s name and email address will be shared with the Charity to which they Pledge. The Pledger has the option to opt in to further communications from the Charity. Big Give will not pass on any of the Pledger’s details to any third parties other than the Charity. For more details, see Big Give’s Privacy Statement.

4.4.2. How Pledges are used to match donations

It is only during the duration of the match funded campaign that Pledge funds will be used to match online donations.

If there are multiple Pledges to a Charity, Pledges will be allocated on a pro rata basis.

The matching of Online Donations is facilitated by Big Give’s platform in real-time.

4.4.3. Fulfilling the Pledge

Pledges must not be fulfilled (i.e. paid to the Charity) until after the campaign has finished and before the Pledge deadline.

Pledges must be paid directly to the Charity.

Charities will be asked to provide proof that the Pledge has been fulfilled e.g. scan of a cheque/ bank statement.

If a Charity has not used all of its Pledges by the end of the campaign, Pledgers will only be required to pay a pro rata amount of their Pledge.  Worked example: if a Charity matches 50% of its Pledges with Online Donations, each Pledger will only be required to pay 50% of the pledged amount. The Pledger may choose to pay the full amount, but this is not compulsory.

Big Give shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the maintenance of Big Give’s platform and the associated payment systems for the duration of the campaign.

Big Give shall not be liable for faults that arise out of their control related to the online giving platform and associated payment systems, nor be responsible for any applications that are lost or mislaid as a result of any equipment or software failure or other technical malfunction.

Big Give shall manage the matching for Big Give campaigns and payment process for all donations made during the Match Funding Campaign.

Big Give reserves the right to change any aspect of the service and/or these Terms & Conditions at any time without notice.

Big Give reserves the right to cease or limit funding offered to any Charity taking part in match funded campaigns at any time.

The Pledger will complete the Pledge form with accurate information

The Pledger will notify the Charity and Big Give as soon as possible if their contact details change.

A Pledger may not withdraw their Pledge after it has been submitted via the Pledge form. If a Pledger suspects they will no longer be able to fulfil their Pledge they should notify the Charity to which they Pledged and contact Big Give as soon as possible.

The Charity will inform the Pledger if it does not end up participating in the Match Funding Campaign.

The Charity will communicate to the Pledger the result of the Match Funding Campaign.

The Charity will ask Pledgers to pay their Pledge. Big Give reserves the right to contact Pledgers following the conclusion of the match funded campaign (regardless of whether they have opted in to receiving information from Big Give) informing them of the amount they owe their Charity.

In the event that a Pledger breaches or is suspected to have breached the Terms & Conditions, Big Give reserves the right to exclude the Pledger from participating in the match funded campaign or any future match funded campaigns on Big Give’s platform, and to seek legal redress or take such other further steps as may be necessary in the circumstances (including where relevant notifying relevant regulatory authorities of any concerns).

Big Give reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend Big Give campaigns where it becomes necessary to do so.

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.