Following the devastating events at Grenfell Tower, Latimer Road earlier this week, we launched an emergency campaign to raise vital funds to support all those affected by the tragedy.

The campaign raised over £1 million in the first 48 hours with the total continuing to rise. Today our Director, Alex Day, visited West Kensington and told us about his experience:

“I was humbled to visit the tower this afternoon where I spoke to the media about our appeal. I also visited one of the charities (Rugby Portobello Trust) which is dealing with survivors of the fire and is doing an extraordinary job coordinating the initial response. They are also the central point for trying to account for those who are missing. The sights, smells and sounds from the area around the tower will stay with me for a long time.”

All of the funds raised by the campaign will be directed to The Kensington and Chelsea Foundation, a charity that is well connected to the community and able to deliver short term relief and long-term support through grass roots organisations such as the Royal Portobello Trust.

Thanks to a group of generous philanthropists and companies, we’re still able to double donations to support those affected by this tragedy. Please visit the Grenfell Appeal to double your donation. 

We are also still welcoming donations from businesses to the matching funds. Please email if you’re interested in making a contribution.