The first ever Summer Give took place on the Big Give website from midday 1st June to 5pm on 5th June. The campaign raised and incredible £527,627 for the 18 charities that participated.
The focus of the Summer Give campaign was to raise money for charities which work with the capitals most disadvantaged children over the school holidays, when vital safety nets such as free school meals and after school clubs disappear. The organisations involved were all carefully selected by our Summer Give partner, The Childhood Trust, for the strength of the programmes they provide for London’s most vulnerable children over the school holidays.
We are very pleased to report that the Summer Give has been a resounding success – over £100,000 was raised in the first 10 minutes of the campaign! The £527,627 raised will go a very long way towards securing a better summer for hundreds of children. Thank you to all of the very generous individuals who donated.
“The Childhood Trust are thrilled with the success of the first ever Summer Give. We wanted to test a very specific donor proposition aimed at raising awareness of child poverty vulnerability heightened during school holidays. The public have responded very warmly and generously; the charities themselves stepped up to provide project based solutions to spec and we were delighted to channel our resources to incentivising matched online giving. We will certainly look to scale the Summer Give up in 2016.”
– Lisa Gagliani, CEO Childhood Trust