A step-by-step guide for teachers

Step 1: Register your School on theBigGive.org.uk

To register your School on the Big Give, please follow this link and complete the form. Your registration details will automatically be sent to a member of the Big Give team who will activate your account and send you an email with your username and password.

When you receive your log in details, you will be able to access the teacher account area for Philanthropy in Schools and view the teaching resources.

Step 2: Explore the resources and decide how to run your programme

There are a number of resources available to support you in running the Philanthropy in Schools programme. These include:

  • Instructions
  • Registration and feedback forms
  • Teaching resources
  • Student worksheets
  • Student checklist

We hope that these resources help you to structure the Philanthropy in Schools programme to suit your students’ needs and interests.

If you have any questions or would like to add to the resources on offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Laura Walmsley, the Philanthropy in Schools co-ordinator, by emailing schools@thebiggive.org.uk.

Step 3: Tell the Big Give what your plans are

When you have decided how to run your Philanthropy in Schools programme, let us know by emailing schools@thebiggive.org.uk.

We would love to know:

  • When you plan to run the programme and for how long. Please send us the dates.
  • The number of students or groups participating e.g. 8 groups of 22 students
  • A brief overview of how you will structure the programme e.g. individual work, followed by group work and presentations
Step 4: Raise funds so your students can donate online

To give your students the opportunity to donate to a charity online, we offer a voucher system as part of the Philanthropy in Schools programme.

At the Big Give, we are able to transform any amount of money into charity vouchers for your students. So, whether you would prefer to have individual vouchers for each student or ‘prize’ vouchers for the group that presents the best case for support for their chosen charity, we are happy to accommodate.

There are a number of ways to generate funds for the programme. You might be keen to inspire your students to organise a fundraising event, or perhaps there is an individual or organisation that would be willing to sponsor your programme.

Step 5: Request online donation vouchers from the Big Give

When you have raised the necessary funds for your programme, this is what you need to do:

  • Notify the Big Give of the amount raised, the number of vouchers required and request the bank account details for the Big Give Trust
  • Email the Big Give when the funds have been transferred to the Big Give Trust
  • On receipt of these funds, the Big Give will issue you the voucher codes (in the form of certificates!) to use during the programme

Please note a 1% administration fee is charged on each of the vouchers processed via the Big Give, so remember that the funds raised for your programme must cover this cost.

Step 6: Run the programme

Once you have received the voucher codes from the Big Give, please ask your students to sign up to the programme on the Big Give by completing the registration form.

You can then go ahead and enjoy running the programme!

Step 7: Share your experience

We would love to hear about your experience of Philanthropy in Schools. Please feel free to share any photos, videos or written material on the programme. You can see case studies from other participating schools here.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch at schools@thebiggive.org.uk.