Charity FAQs

What happens if I fail to hit my Summer Give fundraising target?
You will not be penalised for not hitting your target and will still receive all donations made to your project and the match funds used to double these donations.
This means that you will receive a pro rata amount of match funding. For example, if you achieve 50% of your target, you will redeem 50% of your match funds.
When and how does my charity receive the funds raised through the Summer Give?

Online donations

Online donations will be paid out by our payments processor, Charity Checkout, on 20th July 2019. It will be their name on your bank statement. Charity Checkout also processes Gift Aid claims which will be paid out to you directly by HMRC 8-10 weeks later.

Pledge match funds

After the campaign closes on 17th June, you will need to contact your Pledgers and ask them to pay their pledge match funds by Friday 13th July. Make sure to retain proof of receipt, as you will need to upload this in your Summer Give 2019 dashboard. Read more about collecting your pledges.

Champion match funds

The Childhood Trust will send you any Champion match funds owed after the pledge collection deadline and when you have provided proof that all of your pledges have been received.

What happens when the campaign closes?

After the close of the Summer Give, you are required to collect any pledge match funds owed to you and upload proof of receipt in your Summer Give dashboard. Once this has been completed, you will receive any Champion match funds owed to you. Read more about collecting your pledges.

Are the funds received during the campaign restricted to our Summer Give project?

Funds received during the campaign are restricted to your Summer Give project until you hit your target. If you receive additional online donations after hitting your target, these funds may be unrestricted.

Is there a processing fee for donations made via

All donations (including Gift Aid) made on the Big Give website are subject to a 4% fee. Read more about our fees.

Can supporters make a donation from abroad?

Yes, as long as they have one of the accepted card types and can donate during the period of the campaign.

What payment methods are accepted?

Donations must be made online using a debit or credit card. The following card types are accepted: Mastercard / Visa / Maestro / Switch / Solo / Delta / American Express.

Is Gift Aid also matched?

No, Gift Aid is not matched.

Is Gift Aid claimed on behalf of charities for donations received online?
Charity Checkout, our payments processor, will do this on your behalf where donors have indicated that they are eligible. You will need to complete a short form available in the Gift Aid tab of your charity account area to give them permission to do so. All Gift Aid payments will then be made to your charity by HMRC.
What happens if I don’t use up all of my pledge match funds?

If you do not use all of your pledges to double online donations by the end of the Summer Give, your Pledgers will only be required to pay a pro rata amount. For example, if you use 50% of your pledges to double online donations, each Pledger will only be required to pay 50% of their pledged amount. The Pledger may choose to pay the full amount, but this is not compulsory.

What is the Summer Give?

The Summer Give is an online match funding campaign run by the Big Give and The Childhood Trust. During the campaign, donations to participating charities are doubled while match funds last. Read more about the campaign.

What happens when I hit my Summer Give fundraising target?

You can still receive donations after you have hit your target and used up all of your match funds, however, they will not be doubled.

Will I be able to see our supporters’ donation and contact details?

You can view the name, donation date and amount and Gift Aid claim of every donor in your charity account area under the ‘Your donations’ tab. If a donor has opted in to receiving communications from you, you will also see their contact details. If they have opted out of receiving communications from you, you will not be able to see their contact details.

Can match funds run out while a donor is making their donation?

We have a ‘reservation system’ which means that, if there are funds available at the point when your donor begins their donation, these funds will be reserved for 10 minutes to give them time to make their donation. There is clear messaging at every stage of the donation process notifying donors of when their donation will or will not be doubled.

Can donations made directly to the charity and not via be matched?
No, all donations must be made online through the donation button on your charity’s project page on to access the match funding.
Is there a minimum and maximum donation that can be matched?

Donors can make multiple matched donations of between £5 and £5,000 per donation.

Can Pledgers donate during the campaign?
Pledgers must not donate to the project to which they have pledged because they would effectively be doubling their own donation. Pledgers can donate to a DIFFERENT charity project online if they wish.
How are online donations matched?

Donations to your project will be doubled until the campaign ends at midday on Friday 17th June or until you hit your target, whichever comes first.

Donations are matched in real time on The match funds are provided by a charity’s own major supporters (‘Pledgers’) and by The Childhood Trust (Champion).

What are the dates of the campaign?

The campaign runs for seven days from midday on Monday 10th June to midday on Monday 17th June 2019.


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