The Process
1) You must collect your pledges within 60 days of the end of your match funding campaign.
2) Pledges can be paid to your charity directly by BACS, cheque or CAF, or as an online donation to your project page on
3) If you did not raise enough online donations to use all of your pledge match funds, your Pledger(s) is only obliged to pay a pro-rata amount of their pledge. For example, if you had £4,000 of pledge match funds and raised £2,000 in online donations, your Pledger(s) only needs to pay 50% of what they pledged.
4) When you have received payment of a pledge, you must send proof of receipt to See a list of accepted proof below.
Types of payment and proof accepted
1) If you receive your pledge via BACS, please send a screenshot, scan or photo of your bank statement. This must show your charity name, the name of the Pledger, the correct pledge amount and the transaction date.
2) If you receive a cheque, please send a scan or photo of the cheque, including the paying in slip. This must show your charity name, the name of the Pledger, the correct pledge amount and the date that the cheque was cashed.
3) If you receive a donation via, please send a screenshot of the donation taken from the ‘Your donations’ tab in your account area. This must show the name of the Pledger, the correct pledge amount and the donation date.
4) If you receive a CAF payment, please send a screenshot, scan or photo of your CAF statement. This must show your charity name, the name of the Pledger, the correct pledge amount and the transaction date. You must also provide evidence that the CAF account number shown relates to your charity.