The climate crisis demands urgent action. Each of the last three decades has been hotter than the last, with the seven warmest years on record occurring between 2015 and 2021. Our campaign is committed to amplifying the impact of every donation, doubling the difference for global efforts to protect and preserve our planet. Whether it’s safeguarding ecosystems, defending endangered species, or advancing sustainable living, your support will be twice as powerful in driving meaningful change.

How does it work?

The Green Match Fund utilises our Multi Model of match funding. Environmental charities apply to Big Give and can select either the 1:1 or Pledge Model of match funding. Their application is assessed by Big Give and our partners, EFN. Successful charities are awarded a sum of match funding which is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the campaign.

EFN is a UK-based network of foundations, family offices and individual donors supporting environmental causes. Collaborating closely with Big Give, EFN strives to amplify financial support for environmental initiatives and enhance their overall impact.

Our 2024 results

Charity Eligibility Criteria

  • UK-registered charity with a Charity Commission, OSCR or NI Charity Commission number, or tax-exempt status
  • Have an annual income of at least £25,000 (as per last filed accounts on the Charity Commission).
  • Charities that are working on environmental issues as part of their core mission. (By “core mission”, we mean that the environment is mentioned in the organisation’s charitable objects). This may include: biodiversity & conservation; climate change; agriculture & food; sustainable communities; energy; transport; trade & finance; consumption & waste; toxics & pollution. Charities may be working in the UK or overseas and are able to use the campaign to raise unrestricted funds.
  • Charities which are registered on (free to register).
  • Charities seeking to raise:
    • Up to £10,000 in public donations through the 1:1 Model (to be doubled by match funds).
    • Up to £100,000 in public donations through the Pledge Model (to be doubled by match funds). Charities can receive up to £50k in Champion funds.

Charity Application Process

  • Log in or sign up
  • Once you have access to our charity portal, head to ‘Big Give Campaigns’
  • Click on Apply now for the Green Match Fund

2025 Campaign Timeline

  • November 4th 2024: Applications open
  • January 17th 2025: Applications close
  • Feburary 14th 2025: Pledge deadline
  • March 5th 2025: Offer deadline
  • April 22nd-29th (midday) 2025: Campaign

Campaign Stage Breakdown


Stage 0: The Raise

Big Give starts to secure match-funding commitments from champions.


Stage 1: Initial application

Big Give markets the opportunity to charities. The application involves charities completing information on their proposed use of funds. As part of Big Give’s multi-model of match funding, charities can select either the 1:1 Model (for up to £10,000 of Champion Funding) or Pledge Model (for up to £50,000 of Champion funding) for their campaign.


Stage 2: Pledge Collection
Charities that select the Pledge Model and complete the application are automatically enrolled on to the next stage, which involves securing Pledgers for the campaign. The deal is whatever a charity raises in pledges, they can receive up to the same amount from our Champions. This combined makes up a charities’ match funding pot. Charities that select the 1:1 model skip this stage and do not need to collect pledges.


Stage 3: Vetting and Notification
Big Give completes due diligence checks on all applications and passes them on to a panel of experts who will review and assign Champion funding to charity campaigns. For 1:1 Model charities, the Champion funding allocated makes up the total match funding pot. For Pledge Model charities, the combined amount of pledges and Champion funds make up the charities’ match funding pot.

Double the difference donation impact - green leaves kaleidoscope pattern

Stage 4: Marketing
Big Give provides a free suite of resources to help support charities to maximise the opportunity and market the campaign.


Stage 5: Campaign
All donations to participating charities are doubled. If applicable, pledge funds are used to match online donations first. When these are exhausted, the Champion funds are used to match online donations. Charities that don’t reach their target still receive any match funds up to the value of online donations received.


Stage 6: Post-Campaign
Learning and impact assessments are sent out, along with Champion reports and charity reporting requirements. Charities that selected the Pledge Model need to secure payment of pledges.

Ready to get started today? Join our community of like-minded changemakers

For interested funders

Champion Sign-up Process

  • Get in touch with Big Give. We’ll send you a Champion commitment form, and once completed, we’ll establish the portfolio of Charities, taking into account your preferences.
Double the difference donation impact - line of elephants walking in savanna
Double the difference donation impact - people sitting on a boat in the middle of the sea
Double the difference donation impact - female farmer looking at camera and smiling next to a plant

Funders, who we call Champions, and Pledgers.
A Champion can include high-net-worth individuals, foundations, philanthropists, trusts, statutory bodies, companies and more. A Pledger can be anyone in the charity’s network. This may include a trustee, foundation, trust, company, volunteer, high-net-worth individual and others.

The public will be told if matching funds are available or not when they donate. When donating, match funds are reserved for 30 minutes to complete the donation. All donations are matched in real-time, and donors can see how much match funding has been allocated to their donation.

Funds received during the campaign are restricted to the information outlined in the application until the charity has hit their target. If a charity receives additional online donations after hitting its target, these funds may be unrestricted. Charities may use the campaign to raise unrestricted funds as long as it meets the eligibility requirements.

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