Our match funding partners, our “Champions”, make everything we do possible. The impact of our Champions has been monumental, helping us raise hundreds of millions of pounds for good causes. It’s a simple idea. When the public donates to one of our campaigns, we ask our Champions to match their donations. So £1,000 from the public transforms into £2,000 to make an even bigger difference.

“The idea behind Big Give is to double the difference we can all make in the world.” James Reed CBE, Chairman of Big Give.

What are the benefits to partnering with Big Give?

Multiply your impact 

Every £1 invested by a Champion is multiplied at least twice, and often as high as 4 or 5 times, to support the charities and causes you care about most.

Build sustainability

Your supported charities will have access to the biggest match funding ecosystem, including free training and support to help them maximise the match funding opportunity.

Fund the causes and charities you choose

We have a multitude of match funding opportunities and a network of thousands of charities registered on our platform. All the due diligence is done for you, so choosing a cause area or specific charity you want to support is simple and easy.

Create connections

You can be as engaged as you wish with the charities in your portfolio. Tailor your reporting requirements to see exactly what impact your philanthropy has had.

Who are our Champions?

Our champion partners include some of the biggest names in philanthropy and funding, dedicated to making a difference. Find out how we help:

Choose your campaign

We have opportunities for you to match fund throughout the year, including our biggest campaign, the Christmas Challenge. Don’t see an opportunity that suits you? We’ll work with you to establish your own bespoke campaign. Explore our campaigns in the list below.

Build your charity portfolio

We support our Champions in building a portfolio of charities to match fund. For specialist campaigns, like our Green Match Fund, we partner with sector experts to help establish a pre-selected portfolio of best-in-class charities. 

Watch your generosity multiply

We provide you with the ability to track the campaign’s progress and your selected portfolio of charities in real-time. We’ll share impact reports with you once the campaign has closed so you can see the difference you’ve helped to make.

Explore our match funding campaigns

The Christmas Challenge is the UK’s biggest collaborative fundraising campaign, which supports a wide range of charitable organisations in all cause-areas. It is our flagship, annual, seven-day online match funding campaign, which raised over £33m for 1,077 charities and facilitated 94,000 donations in 2023.

Funding agreements required by: September 2025

The Christmas Challenge utilises our ‘Pledge Model’ of match funding – it works on a double-matching principle. Charities receive 25% of their target from their Champion funder, provided they have another 25% secured from their own major donor ‘Pledges’. This 50% is then unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the Christmas Challenge campaign.

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are multiplied at least 4x to support the work of their selected charities. (In fact, the multiplier is often 5x or more when Gift Aid and additional donations are included).

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

The Green Match Fund is a seven-day online match funding campaign focused on the environment. The campaign is the UK’s biggest movement in collective environmental philanthropy, which raised over £6.3m for 247 charities and facilitated 29,550 donations in 2024.

The need to increase philanthropic capital flows to environmental organisations has never been more important. Less than 2% of philanthropy is deployed to counter climate threats.

Funding agreements required by: January 2025

The Green Match Fund utilises our ‘multi’ model of match funding. Environmental charities apply to Big Give, and their application is assessed by Big Give and our partners, Environmental Funders Network (EFN). Successful charities are awarded a sum of match funding which is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the Green Match Fund campaign (coinciding with World Earth Day, 22nd April).

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are multiplied at least 2x to support the work of a wide range of high-impact environmental organisations; it’s why we’re referred to as the“generosity multiplier”.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

The Arts for Impact Fund is our newest seven-day online match funding campaign, focused on arts and culture charities with social impact. We are partnering with New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture (NPAC), a network of arts supporters who are passionate about increasing philanthropic support of the arts and culture sector. In 2024, the inaugural campaign raised £2.8m for 238 organisations and attracted more than 12,000 donations from the public.

Funding agreements required by: December 2024

The Arts for Impact Fund utilises our ‘1:1’ model of match funding. Arts and culture charities apply to Big Give, and their application is assessed by Big Give and our partners, NPAC. Successful charities are awarded a sum of match funding which is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the Arts for Impact campaign.

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are multiplied at least 2x to support the work of a wide range of high-impact arts and culture organisations; it’s why we’re referred to as the“generosity multiplier”.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

Kind²Mind is a seven-day online match funding campaign, focused on supporting charities offering valuable services to address, prevent, research, treat, campaign and raise awareness about mental health as part of their work. In 2024, the campaign raised over £2.1m for 160 organisations and attracted more than 6,000 donations from the public.

Funding agreements required by: March 2025

Kind²Mind utilises our ‘multi’ model of match funding. Mental Health charities apply to Big Give, and their application is assessed by Big Give and our panel of experts. Successful charities are awarded a sum of match funding which is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the campaign.

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are multiplied at least 2x to support the work of a wide range of high-impact mental health organisations.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

Our Women and Girls match fund supports high impact, female- focused charities. We are partnering with Philanthropists who are passionate about increasing philanthropic support for the women and girls sector, which according to latest research, receives only 1.8% of funding. In 2023, the campaign raised £1.2m for 133 organisations and attracted more than 5,000 donations from the public.

Funding agreements required by: August 2025

The Women and Girls Match Fund utilises our ‘1:1’ model of match funding. Women and Girls charities apply to Big Give, and their application is assessed by Big Give. Successful charities are
awarded a sum of match funding which is ring-fenced for their organisation. This match funding is unlocked by public donations given through Big Give’s online fundraising platform during the week of the campaign.

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are mutiplied at least 2x to support the work of a wide range of high-impact Women and Girls’ organisations.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

When global catastrophes, natural disasters and humanitarian crises strike, our fast-response emergency campaigns help people get what they need in the aftermath. Champions provide the match funding for Emergency Match Fund campaigns, galvanising the public to support charities in times of crisis.

Funding agreements can be received at any time

The Emergency Fund utilises our ‘collective’ model of match funding. The Collective model is where the total match funding pot is shared between charities. By pooling match funds, every charity in the campaign can benefit from having their donations matched.

With this unique match funding model, Champion funds are multiplied at least 2x to support the work of  pre-selected, high-impact disaster-response charitable organisations.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

Our bespoke campaign setup is perfect for champions interested in creating their own match fund. With our proven strategies and customisable approach, we’ll help you reach your goals and make a real difference for the causes closest to your heart.

Funding agreements can be received at any time

The Bespoke Fund allows you to choose which match funding model you’d prefer for your campaign.

With our unique match funding models, Champion funds can be multiplied at least 2x, or up to 4 or 5x depending on the model selected. All funds raised will go to supporting the work of  your chosen charities.

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers

Become a Champion today and join our community of like-minded changemakers