We’re proud to have impactful partnership agreements with the National Emergencies Trust and the Disasters Emergency Committee. These collaborations strengthen our commitment to supporting communities within the UK and overseas in times of crisis, enabling us to respond quickly and effectively in raising money for emergencies.

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Our impact

Campaign Stage Breakdown


Stage 0: The Raise

Big Give starts to secure match-funding commitments from champions.


Stage 1: Application, Vetting and Notification
Big Give reaches out to select emergency-response charity partners. The application involves charities completing information on their proposed use of funds. Big Give checks applications and assigns Champion funding.  The total amount of Champion funding allocated to a charity makes up their match funding pot for the campaign.


Stage 2: Marketing
Big Give provides a free suite of resources to help support charities to maximise the opportunity and market the campaign.


Stage 3: Campaign

All donations to participating charities are doubled. The Champion funds are used to match online donations. Any donations raised over the overall target count as extra, unmatched, unrestricted donations to a charity’s campaign.

Double the difference donation impact - gold dust kaleidoscope pattern

Stage 4: Post-Campaign
Learning and impact assessments are sent out, along with Champion reports and charity reporting requirements.


The Emergency Match Fund follows our collective match funding model 

Learn more about how match funding works

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For interested funders

Champion Sign-up Process

  • Get in touch with Big Give. We’ll send you a Champion commitment form, and once completed, we’ll help you curate your portfolio of charities.

The public will be told if matching funds are available or not when they donate. When donating, match funds are reserved for 30 minutes to complete the donation. All donations are matched in real-time, and donors can see how much match funding has been allocated to their donation.

Funds received during the campaign are restricted to the information outlined in the application until the charity has hit their target. If a charity receives additional online donations after hitting its target, these funds may be  unrestricted. Charities may use the campaign to raise unrestricted funds as long as it meets the eligibility requirements.

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