Thanks to the kindness of supporters, we have been able to use additional funds raised from our tips to provide match funding to our amazing array of charity partners. Helping to ensure that those charities who make a huge difference in the areas they work in, but do not have the access to the funds or publicity of others, continue to get the support they need.
Organisations supported by the Anchor Match Fund
Big Give’s Anchor Match Fund was designed to help charities run their own match funding campaigns. This is a fantastic opportunity for charities to receive additional funding from Big Give, and we are committed to supporting them in every way possible.
How does it work?
The Anchor Match Fund utilises our Pledge Model of match funding. Big Give will contribute £1,000 of match funds for every £4,000 in ‘pledges’ that charities raise from their own major donors, up to a maximum of £10,000 per charity.
Charity Eligibility Criteria
- Be a UK-registered charity with a Charity Commission number or tax-exempt status and an annual income of at least £25,000 (as per last filed accounts on the Charity Commission).
- Campaigns must launch and close within the dates published below.
Charity Application Process
- Log in or sign up
- Once you have access to our charity portal, head to ‘My Campaigns’
- Click on start a new match funded campaign.
- For the question about how much match funding (pledges) you intend to secure, please include the match funding you hope to secure through the Anchor Match Fund. Eg. If you are secure £8,000 of pledges (match funds) from your own supporters to apply for £2,000 of match funds from the Big Give, please put £10,000 for this question.
- Once you have submitted your campaign for approval, contact Big Give at to notify us that you wish to apply for the Anchor Match Fund.
2024 Campaign Timeline
- Second Edition – 1st July until 1st December 2024. Campaigns must launch or close between these dates.
2025 Campaign Timeline
- First Edition – 1st January until 30th June 2025. Campaigns must launch or close between these dates.
- Second Edition – 1st July until 1st December 2025. Campaigns must launch or close between these dates.
Campaign Stage Breakdown
Stage 0: The Raise
Big Give puts money secured from tips aside into a match funding pot.
Stage 1: Initial application
Big Give markets the opportunity to charities. The application involves charities completing information on their proposed use of funds.
Stage 2: Vetting and Notification
Big Give completes due diligence checks on all applications and assigns funding to the campaign. Big Give will offer charities £1,000 of match funding for every whole £4,000 in pledges secured by the charity. The maximum amount of match funds that will be awarded to a charity is £10,000.
Stage 3: Pledge Collection
Charities that complete the application are automatically enrolled on to the next stage, which involves securing Pledgers for the campaign. Their pledges make up part of the match funding pot. Charities must secure a minimum of £4k in pledges to be eligible for Anchor Match Funding.
Stage 4: Campaign
All donations to participating charities are doubled. The combined funds are used to match online donations. Any donations raised over the overall target count as extra, unmatched, unrestricted donations to a charity’s campaign. Charities that don’t reach their target still receive any match funds up to the value of online donations received.
Stage 5: Post-Campaign
Learning and impact assessments are sent out, and any charity reporting requirements (if applicable).
Ready to get started today? Join our community of like-minded changemakers
Funders, who we call Champions, and Pledgers.
Champions are our Big Give partners, and include high-net-worth individuals, foundations, philanthropists, trusts, statutory bodies, companies and more. Pledgers can be anyone in the charity’s network. This may include a trustee, foundation, trust, company, volunteer, high-net-worth individual and others.
The public will be told if matching funds are available or not when they donate. When donating, match funds are reserved for 30 minutes to complete the donation. All donations are matched in real-time, and donors can see how much match funding has been allocated to their donation.
As a charity ourselves, we don’t charge our partners for using our platform, so we’re incredibly grateful to people who choose to leave a voluntary tip. Those tips are what make us able to keep doing what we’re doing, run our match funding campaigns, and help make an impact on the world’s biggest problems — together.
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